Hangry with Friends

Hangry With Friends is the result of the frustration that many people face when trying to decide where to dine with their kids, family, friends, coworkers, and others. The founders recognized this common challenge and set out to create a solution to make the dining decision process more enjoyable.

Hangry with Friends

Hangry With Friends is the result of the frustration that many people face when trying to decide where to dine with their kids, family, friends, coworkers, and others. The founders recognized this common challenge and set out to create a solution to make the dining decision process more enjoyable.

The Challenge:

Hangry With Friends Faced a Multitude of Challenges in Bringing their App to Life. The Primary Hurdles Included:

App Functionality: The central challenge was to develop an app that effectively fulfilled its intended purpose. This required meticulous planning and execution of its features.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI): Creating an intuitive and visually appealing UX/UI proved a formidable task, as it directly influenced how users interacted with the app.

Notifications: The incorporation of various notification systems, such as push notifications, email notifications, and text notifications, was imperative to keep users engaged and well-informed.

Unique Features: Hangry With Friends aspired to introduce features that set it apart from existing dining-related apps, necessitating innovative problem-solving.

The Solution

Socium Collaborated Closely with the Hangry With Friends Team to Address these Challenges:

UX/UI Enhancement: Socium played a key role in refining the app's UX/UI, ensuring seamless navigation and user satisfaction.

Problem Solving: Socium identified and addressed problem areas, leveraging their technical expertise to improve the app's functionality.

Innovative Features: Socium's technical skills enabled the incorporation of innovative features, setting Hangry With Friends apart from other apps.

Project Management: Socium effectively managed the project's scope, ensuring it remained on track and facilitated clear communication between their team and Hangry With Friends.

The Result

As a result of this collaboration, Hangry With Friends now offers an exceptional solution for groups to decide on dining options easily. It provides practical dining choices and includes engaging social features such as restaurant voting and integrated commentary, enhancing mealtime conversations. Hangry With Friends has effectively resolved the age-old problem of deciding where to eat, leaving everyone satisfied rather than “hangry.”
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Breakfast Meetup

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Dinner with family

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Birthday party

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Sunday Brunch

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Launch with team

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Friday Brunch

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Breakfast with

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Sunday Dinner

Ellipse | Socium Customer testimonial
Harry H.
CEO, Sytherine
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